Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Oh, how God is good!!! Lily is 7!

Lily is 7 today!!
9/22/08  23 weeks  1lb. 6 oz.

Lily holding Greg's ring...that's how small she was!

Take the time and listen to this song!  So powerful!

This day every year I am reminded of God's goodness to our family.  I wanted to take time and just reflect back on the last 7 years.  7??? Really???  How can this be? 

When I look at my precious, growing, healthy, complete, fun, creative, amazing, beautiful Lily, I just can't help but break down and say thank you Lord!  Thank you first for being all I need!  Thank you for hearing our prayers 7 years ago for you to heal our baby girl.  Thank you for hearing our specific prayers and not only hearing them but seeing them come completely to fruition.  Thank you for ordaining our steps and plans and having our precious Lily be born in one of the most amazing hospitals and NICUs in the country.  Thank you for hand picking her doctors and nurses each and every day! 

As I read back through my journal during that time I see my specific prayers and I read how God heard and answered every one!  I look back on our pain, sorrow, inflictions, scares, cries for mercy and now I know and can say fully and whole heartedly, it was worth it!  He had a plan for her which included her early entry into this life.  He has a plan for her and no matter what I do, He will carry it out! 

Just like He has a plan for each of us.  Even if you are in your darkest, deepest sorrow right now.  Even if you feel as though you are worth nothing, that you've been or done the most shameful things, God has a plan for you!  We don't have to bring anything or do anything.  He is enough!  He loves us no matter what and will use our pain and suffering for His glory and to produce hope in us!  All we have to do is cry out to Him. 
He was enough for me when I cried out for Him to heal my tiny baby girl.  He has been enough through all of the difficulties we've gone through as a result of her being born early.  He is enough to get us through losing our precious DidiPop.   And He will be enough to get us through our daily, struggles and trials.  "Be satisfied in Me..."  Nothing in this life will truly satisfy us but Jesus. 
"I will give thanks to the Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds."
Psalm 9:1-2
(This was the verse I read the morning after Lily was born.  I remember praying, "Lord please heal our precious baby and I will tell of all you have done.")

Another favorite song right now.   Click the link below.

Have a great day!  Praying you know you are loved and that you don't have to be perfect!  You are loved! 
Happy Birthday to our precious Lily!


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